Data Types#

All data types are immutable. All lists implement Traversable, Countable and a read only ArrayAccess with numeric keys. All lists wipe duplicates.


AnnounceList is a list of UriList’s. It represents the outer list in the announce-list field in the torrent file.


Announce list can be created from the following structures:


use SandFox\Torrent\DataTypes\AnnounceList;
use SandFox\Torrent\DataTypes\UriList;

// Build from iterable
$announceList = AnnounceList::fromIterable([
    ['url1', 'url2'],   // a list of urls with the same priority
    'url3',             // a single url will be a list of a single item
// OOP way
$announceList = AnnounceList::create(
    UriList::create('url1', 'url2'),



use SandFox\Torrent\DataTypes\AnnounceList;
use SandFox\Torrent\DataTypes\UriList;

// append a list
$announceList = AnnounceList::append(
// prepend a list
$announceList = AnnounceList::prepend(
// remove a list
$announceList = AnnounceList::remove(

Array representation#


// toArray() return an array of arrays of strings,
// the same structure as it is represented in the torrent file
$data = $announceList->toArray();
// toArrayOfUriLists() return array of UriList objects
$lists = $announceList->toArrayOfUriLists();


Node represents an item in the DHT nodes list.



use SandFox\Torrent\DataTypes\Node;

// Build from array
$node = Node::fromArray(['localhost', 11111]);
// OOP way
$node = new Node('', 12345);



$host = $node->getHost(); // node host or ip
$port = $node->getPort(); // node port

// also with array access that mimics the representation in the torrent file
$host = $node[0];
$port = $node[1];

Array representation#


// toArray() return a node-array [$host, $port],
// the same structure as it is represented in the torrent file
$data = $node->toArray();


NodeList is a list of Node’s. It represents the nodes field in the torrent file.


Node list can be created from the following structures:


use SandFox\Torrent\DataTypes\Node;
use SandFox\Torrent\DataTypes\NodeList;

// Build from iterable
$nodeList = NodeList::fromIterable([
    ['localhost', 11111],   // [host|ip : string, port : int]
    ['', 12345],   // [host|ip : string, port : int]
// OOP way
$nodeList = NodeList::create(
    new Node('localhost', 11111),
    new Node('', 12345),



use SandFox\Torrent\DataTypes\Node;
use SandFox\Torrent\DataTypes\NodeList;

// append a node
$nodeList = NodeList::append(
    new Node('fe00::1234', 12321),
// prepend a node
$nodeList = NodeList::prepend(
    new Node('fe00::1234', 12321),
// remove a node
$nodeList = NodeList::remove(
    new Node('fe00::1234', 12321),

Array representation#


// toArray() return an array of node-arrays [$host, $port],
// the same structure as it is represented in the torrent file
$data = $nodeList->toArray();
// toArrayOfNodes() return array of Node objects
$nodes = $nodeList->toArrayOfNodes();


UriList is a list of strings. It represents the url-list and httpseeds fields and the inner lists in the announce-list field in the torrent file.


Uri list can be created from the following structures:


use SandFox\Torrent\DataTypes\UriList;

// Build from iterable
$uriList = UriList::fromIterable([
// OOP way
$uriList = UriList::create(



use SandFox\Torrent\DataTypes\UriList;

// append a list
$uriList = UriList::append(
// prepend a list
$uriList = UriList::prepend(
// remove a list
$uriList = UriList::remove(

Array representation#


// toArray() return an array of strings,
// the same structure as it is represented in the torrent file
$data = $uriList->toArray();